EF Stories: Just Riadh from France at EF Tokyo
EF Tokyo
1. Do you usually speak Japanese? What's your level on a scale of 1 to 10?
Just Riadh: My Japanese level?! 1/10 haha
2. What do you think about learning a language other than English?
Just Riadh: I think it's great to be interested in other cultures. Personally, I have a soft spot for Asian culture, especially Japanese culture; I really love it.
2. What are your favorite films and manga?
Just Riadh: I have sooo many... Attack on Titan, G.T.O, ONE PUNCH MAN, NARUTO, well, there are too many...
3. Who are your favorite actors/characters?
Just Riadh: My all-time, true, true, true favorite character is Saitama!
4. Have you ever traveled to Asia?
Just Riadh: Unfortunately, no, never, but this will be my first time! So cool!
5. What attracted you to this project?
Just Riadh: Japan is my dream destination, a real dream, so I'm super excited to go there, and with EF, too!